Richard Wilson Moore - Online Memorial Website

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Richard Moore
Born in United States
24 years
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Happy Easter Rich! One holiday just keeps running into the next and already too many have passed with out you.. Must be a wonderful day in Heaven though!

Love & miss you so much Richie!


Aunt Reen

Hey Rich,

Happy St. Patricks day!  Wish I could see your irish blue eyes and give you a hug! Miss You!

Love you,




"May the road rise to meet you,
May the wind be always at your back,
May the sun shine warm upon your face,
The rains fall soft upon your fields,
And until we meet again,
May God hold you
In the palm of his hand."

Love you Richie!!

Miss you. haven't had a car bomb in awhile!!st. patty's is comin wish u were here to celebrate!

It seems as if everyone is getting ready for one of the best days you loved. I wish you could be here to celebrate St. Patricks Day! However, I know you are celebrating with the angels. Miss you so much Richie! Make sure you watch over Nicole, I am sure she will celebrate for the two of you.

Love you,



Children are not supposed to die...Parents expect to see their children grow and mature. Ultimately, parents expect to die and leave their children behind...This is the natural course of life events, the life cycle continuing as it should. The death of a child signifies the loss of the future, of hopes and dreams, of new strength, and of perfection.

It is Valentines day Rich, 2008  I wish you could walk through the door with a rose as you often did.   Pick a flower in Heaven for your sister today.

Miss and love you very much!



My Angels! 

Love you two more than life!


Death's entry into our lives was just a shattering and unwelcomed event. The feelings of pain and loss are terrible. Yet death is unavoidable and is a part of the cycle of life. However, one is never prepared to lose their child or their sibling. It is so painful! We were left with so many questions. Why? Why did it have to happen? How can we go on? So many questions and so few answers. We will just have to wait until we meet again.


Today, 2/5/08 it is two years you are in Heaven! We know you are at peace! Continue watching over us especially Nicole. I know you are her angel on her shoulders and mine as well.


There is not a day the passes that you are not in our thoughts.

We Miss and Love you Richard Moore so much that it hurts!

Richard W. Moore 1/27/82-2/5/05


Rest in Peace Richie, Love Dad


Aunt Reen
Thinking of you Rich!! Halloween is coming.....  Miss you RWM!....
 Longtime... Love you Rich!

Hi Rich,

Nicole is too funny! She is just like you. She just keeps moving on to the next adventure.  She works so hard. Send her an angel that will take care of her. She misses you so much but tries to be so strong.

You two are my angels! I love your smiles in this picture! Like your up to something and she is just laughing. You always made her laugh!

I love you Richie! I miss you so much!


Aunt Reen

When those we love go away, they never really leave us;
they are with us now, wherever we are.
Those whom we have cherished, live on forever,
for love wraps itself around the heart.
Although it's difficult now,
someday beyond our tears and all the world's wrongs;
beyond the clouds and all that we can see and touch,
we shall all understand.

Love you R.W.M !!  xxoo

The way we were! If only we could turn back time! Love you Richie!
Nicole Marie
Missing someone gets easier every day because even though it's one day further from the last time you saw each other, it's one day closer to the next time you will. ~Author Unknown : )
Nicole Marie
Some are able to release grief far more quickly than others. However long it takes, it is always the re-connection with the power of the heart that moves you past grief. When the heart is enlivened again, it feels like the sun coming out after a week of rainy days. There is hope in the heart that chases the clouds away. Hope is a higher heart frequency and as you begin to reconnect with your heart, hope is waiting to show you new possibilities and arrest the downward spiral of grief and loneliness. It becomes a matter of how soon you want the sun to shine. Listening to the still, small voice in your heart will make hope into a reality. <3

 Well Rich, your Lil' Sis did it just like you! 22 Years old and bought her own home. You were always her role model. I know you are smiling down on her. Watch over her! Thinking of you Richie!  Love and Miss you so!!!!




two birthdays u've missed.....and it hurts to know that number won't go down...



Happy Birthday Dad,

With the help of an angel I am sending you love from heaven on angels wings so that you know even though I am not with you physically, I am with you in heart. Every minute of each and every day I am with you and Nicole whether at work ,with family, with friends, alone or right now as you look out into the sea you are thinking of me. You still ask the question why? But it's ok. I am ok Dad! I do not have any pain anymore! I know how much you loved the sea. Well think of me on a cruise to pardise that lasts for eternity with some of the best passengers ever and everyday I keep meeting new friends of God. It's awesome! I know you understand because you taught me so much about God and how magnificent He is. You were right!

So today on your birthday, I will send my love and wishes on a pair of angels wings, when you feel the sun on your face, the wind at your back or the mist of the sea know that it is me sending you a birthday message from one angel to another.

I love and miss you too Dad!






Aunt Debbie

I remember a little blonde boy, full of energy! You came to my home, in Wayne, in 1982ish...and I let you take apart my kitchen! You took the knobs off of all of my drawers and even the doorknob off of  my back door!! lol..I said, "Ok, Richie, now put them all back on!" I handed you the screwdriver. Lo and behold, you did it!!! A born engineer!! I think you were only 3 yrs old!!! How smart you were!!


I brought you to Paul's pool at the Barry Garden's, in Passaic, in 1994! Paul (who I'm sure you are hanging out with right now!) really liked you and got a kick out of you! He is Irish, like you. I remember him telling me, " I LIKE that kid! I see something in him...He's a really good kid!" Paul, (my "bestest" friend) really didn't like alot of people. But, he liked you Richie! I remember he got a kick out of you going behind the tree, instead of to the bathroom,by the pool... to take care of things!!! We all laughed at that one!!


Well, I was so proud of you,( and I knew that Paul was right about you, when he said that you would do "allright" in life)....when I heard that you bought yourself a house and had a great such a young age! After many years of not seeing you, and then seeing you and Nicole at my brother-in-laws funeral, I told my girls, who love to ski...that I would take them up to visit you guys someday! I kept putting it off.And now, ...its too late.


I never thought I'd be writing this. I think of you every single day. I have your photo hanging up in my classroom. I think of your Dad and Nicole, and pray for them. A piece of my heart broke the day I heard the terrible news, and its still not right. 


I'm so glad that my sister told me about this website. Its beautiful, like you are, Richie.


I will never forget you and I will always wonder why.


Love, Aunt Debbie 


You can shed tears that Rich is gone,
or you can smile because he has lived.
You can close your eyes and pray that he’ll come back,
or you can open your eyes and see all he left.
Your heart can be empty because you can't see him,
or you can be full of the love you shared.
You can turn your back on tomorrow and live yesterday,
or you can be happy for tomorrow because of yesterday.
You can remember Rich only that he is gone,
or you can cherish his memory and let it live on.
You can cry and close your mind,
be empty and turn your back.
Or you can do what he’d want:
smile, open your eyes, love and go on.

There are no words to describe how much I love and miss you Richie!




Richie, just want to let you know that Tom & Ted Brennan  established an annual Scholarship in your memory at Sussex Tech. This award will be given to an achieving senior in the HVAC program during the Senior Awards Program on June 7, 2007. The Brennans have fond memories of you Rich and miss you just as we all do. I thank them for their thoughtfulness and kind generosity.  Love you Richie!



Nicole Marie
Helllllo! well, it kinda sucks that the only way i can write u a letter is through the stupid internet. And u do kinda get me mad......sometimes. But What am I gonna do. I can't even call you to yell at you....cuz u won't even pick up....acutallly some one will because they already gave ur number away to some chick and i'm sure she wouldn't be too happy if i called and yelled at her. i try ur cell every once in hopes u just might be there....but nothin yet.....sooo,.... this is life ey?? looks like you've left me here. Alone. to deal with the pain. Well, even though you hurt me by leaving and not even saying goodbye.... I still love ya.

When love is lost, do not bow your head in sadness; instead keep your head up high and gaze into heaven for that is where your broken heart has been sent to heal.

Love you Richie!

Angel Above


When tomorrow starts without me,

and I'm not there to see;

If the sun should rise and find your eyes,

all filled with tears for me;

I wish so much you wouldn't cry,

the way you did today,

while thinking of the many things we didn't get to say.

I know how much you love me,

as much as I love you, and

each time that you think of me,

I know you'll miss me too;

But when tomorrow starts with out me,

please try and understand,

that an angel came and called my name,

he took me by the hand and said my place was ready,

in Heaven far above,

and that I'd have to leave behind,

all those I dearly love.

But as I turned to walk away,

a tear fell from my eye, for all life,

I'd always thought, I didn't want to die,

I had so much to live for,

so much yet to do,

it seemed almost impossible,

that I was leaving you,

I though of all the yesterdays,

the good ones and the bad,

I thought of all the love we shared,

and all the fun we had.

If I could relive yesterday,

just even for a while,

I'd say goodbye and kiss you,

maybe see you smile,

But then I fully realized,

that this could never be,

for emptiness and memories,

would take the place of me.

When I thought of wordly things,

I might miss come tomorrow,

I thought of you and when I did,

my heart was filled with sorrow,

But when I walked through Heavens Gates,

I felt so much at home,

When God looked down and smiled at me,

from his great Golden Throne,

He said "This is eternity and all I have promised you."

Today for life on earth has past,

but here it starts anew.

I promise no tomorrow,

But today will always last,

and since each day is the same day,

there's no longing for the past.

You have been so faithful, so trusting and so true,

though there were times you did some things,

you know you shouldn't do,

but you have been forgiven,

and now at last you are free.

So won't you take my hand,

and share my life with me?

So when tomorrow starts without me,

don't think we are far apart,

for every time you think of me,




God gave me a wonderful son!

Rich's memory will never grow old.

God fashioned Rich's smile out of sunshine.

He moulded Rich's heart out of pure Gold.

God needed a new star in heaven.

A beautiful light to shine.

So out of this world of sorrow.

God Chose that dear son of mine.

Thinking of you Rich! Love and miss you so!



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